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Tibetan Buddhist Embryology. A Practical Guide to Everyone

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Год издания
Мягкая обложка
12,5 x 18 см
цв. илл.
185 г
Товара нет в наличии


Tibetan Buddhist Medical Embryology- A practical guide to everyone discusses in detail the formation and development of human embryo from the perspective of Tibetan medicine and Buddhism. According to them, a new human being appears not merely in the result of conception but — as it is strongly emphasized- due to karmic relationship between parents and bardo consciousness, afflictive emotions and the presence of five elements which are indispensable causes and conditions of conception. In the mother’s womb, thirty eight different Loong energies play a key role in the development of child and during the gestation period, the shape of an embryo changes into three significant stages. Though these concepts may seem difficult at first, a keen reader will soon realize that they are excellent tools for grasping the dynamics of the embryo development, particularly the interplay of internal, sublime forces which are of key importance for the miracle which is the development of a highly specialised, intelligent being from just two cells. These tools also allow to perceive the complexity of all the external links and relations which interact in the process, and they further enrich the perspective by adding the factor of time. In the result, we, as Tibetan medical practitioners, have at our disposal a system of precise, extensive and well- tested guidelines plus pharmacopeia and manual therapies, to assist us in our profession which we view as an act of compasion extended towards all living beings, in tune with Buddhist precepts.The book also offers a discussion on the mind-body nature and the three principle energies of human body within the context of Tibetan medicine, i.e Loong as the subtle principle energy of the body and mind which retains the nature of air element,Tripa as the heat energy of the body which is associated with the fire element and hot in nature and Baekan is the fluid energy of the body, associated with the earth and water element and cold in nature. Hopefully, it will assist the readers in identifying characteristic features of these energies in themselves and in their environment, and developing a practical, heath- supporting approach to diet and life style which is indispensable for the well being of parents and their future children. I also added a few practical suggestions and some traditional customs related to gestation,childbirth and first days of the newborn child, hoping to provide guidelines for new parents, and also to give you a brief insight into rich Tibetan culture which has much to offer to the contemporary, industrialised world.

With the best wishes for you and your children’s good health and long life.

Dr. Tenzin Nyima